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Public Workshop
Thank you for joining us at the Thursday January 23 public workshop at Uptic Studios in the project area. We are working on updates based on feedback received at the workshop and online.
Project Purpose
The purpose of this study is to evaluate and identify a recommended alignment for Phase Two of the Pacific Avenue Greenway.
A neighborhood greenway is a type of bicycle facility on a low speed, low volume neighborhood street that prioritizes pedestrians and cyclists. The Pacific Avenue Neighborhood Greenway will provide a safe route for people walking, bicycling and rolling between Downtown and the University District. Design and construction of the Pacific Avenue Neighborhood Greenway is divided into two phases:
Phase One: Howard Street to Sherman Street
Phase Two: Sherman Street to Perry Street. This study focuses on Phase 2.
Phase One
Phase One of the Pacific Avenue Greenway, which runs along Pacific Avenue between Howard Street and Sherman Street, is already planned and funded. It is designed to include two new traffic signals with audible pedestrian countdown signals at the Division/Pacific and Browne/Pacific intersections, ADA curb ramp retrofits, and curb bump outs at select intersections. This phase of the greenway is anticipated to include the following:
Approximately 3,750 feet of bicycle boulevard
Way finding signage and markings
Approximately 700 feet of buffered bike lanes
Approximately 200 feet of green pavement markings
Traffic signals at Division/Pacific and Browne/Pacific
Phase Two
Phase Two, which is the focus of this study, consists of the next section from Sherman Street eastward to the Ben Burr trail, under the Hamilton overpass.
Study Area - Phase Two
When complete, the Pacific Avenue Greenway will provide improved and safe bicycle and pedestrian connectivity east of Sherman Street, connecting cyclists to the South University District, Sprague Avenue, and the Ben Burr trail.
Public Workshop
Thank you for joining us at the Thursday January 23 public workshop at Uptic Studios in the project area. We are working on updates based on feedback received at the workshop and online.
Project Purpose
The purpose of this study is to evaluate and identify a recommended alignment for Phase Two of the Pacific Avenue Greenway.
A neighborhood greenway is a type of bicycle facility on a low speed, low volume neighborhood street that prioritizes pedestrians and cyclists. The Pacific Avenue Neighborhood Greenway will provide a safe route for people walking, bicycling and rolling between Downtown and the University District. Design and construction of the Pacific Avenue Neighborhood Greenway is divided into two phases:
Phase One: Howard Street to Sherman Street
Phase Two: Sherman Street to Perry Street. This study focuses on Phase 2.
Phase One
Phase One of the Pacific Avenue Greenway, which runs along Pacific Avenue between Howard Street and Sherman Street, is already planned and funded. It is designed to include two new traffic signals with audible pedestrian countdown signals at the Division/Pacific and Browne/Pacific intersections, ADA curb ramp retrofits, and curb bump outs at select intersections. This phase of the greenway is anticipated to include the following:
Approximately 3,750 feet of bicycle boulevard
Way finding signage and markings
Approximately 700 feet of buffered bike lanes
Approximately 200 feet of green pavement markings
Traffic signals at Division/Pacific and Browne/Pacific
Phase Two
Phase Two, which is the focus of this study, consists of the next section from Sherman Street eastward to the Ben Burr trail, under the Hamilton overpass.
Study Area - Phase Two
When complete, the Pacific Avenue Greenway will provide improved and safe bicycle and pedestrian connectivity east of Sherman Street, connecting cyclists to the South University District, Sprague Avenue, and the Ben Burr trail.
Share Take our quick poll to see what other people would be using the greenway for. For what purposes would you use the Pacific Avenue Greenway in the future? on FacebookShare Take our quick poll to see what other people would be using the greenway for. For what purposes would you use the Pacific Avenue Greenway in the future? on TwitterShare Take our quick poll to see what other people would be using the greenway for. For what purposes would you use the Pacific Avenue Greenway in the future? on LinkedinEmail Take our quick poll to see what other people would be using the greenway for. For what purposes would you use the Pacific Avenue Greenway in the future? link
Page last updated: 11 Feb 2025, 12:15 PM
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Project Timeline
Project kickoff
Pacific Avenue Greenway Alignment Study has finished this stage
December 2023
Project kickoff and background review
Feasibility and alignment assessment
Pacific Avenue Greenway Alignment Study has finished this stage
Q1 & Q2 2024
Boundary site and topographic survey
Anticipated site constraints
Geotechnical evaluation
Constructability Analysis
Draft alignment options
Public outreach
Pacific Avenue Greenway Alignment Study has finished this stage
May 2024
Public outreach pop up events were held to collect feedback on the alignment alternatives
Public survey open
Pacific Avenue Greenway Alignment Study has finished this stage
May 2024
Public survey closed
Pacific Avenue Greenway Alignment Study has finished this stage
June 2024
Alignment recommendation
Pacific Avenue Greenway Alignment Study has finished this stage
Q3 2024
Concept plan for recommended alignment
Pacific Avenue Greenway Alignment Study is currently at this stage
Q1 2025
Final report and Documentation
this is an upcoming stage for Pacific Avenue Greenway Alignment Study