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The South Logan Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Project will support more connectivity and livability in the South Logan area for the community, businesses, and organizations in the Logan Neighborhood. The project leverages the recently built STA City Line bus rapid transit route through the area to create a focused community vision and policies that encourage mixed-use, walkable places close to transit.
The South Logan TOD StoryMap provides information about the project study area through a variety of mediums to provide readers with a new experience on your own time. Scrolling through the online StoryMap, you will see maps, videos, and images along with narrative text allowing you to explore the South Logan TOD Project, draft alternatives, and the history of the Logan Neighborhood and the STA City Line route.
The South Logan Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Project will support more connectivity and livability in the South Logan area for the community, businesses, and organizations in the Logan Neighborhood. The project leverages the recently built STA City Line bus rapid transit route through the area to create a focused community vision and policies that encourage mixed-use, walkable places close to transit.
The South Logan TOD StoryMap provides information about the project study area through a variety of mediums to provide readers with a new experience on your own time. Scrolling through the online StoryMap, you will see maps, videos, and images along with narrative text allowing you to explore the South Logan TOD Project, draft alternatives, and the history of the Logan Neighborhood and the STA City Line route.
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The South Logan TOD Implementation text amendments include area-specific and citywide changes. The area-specific text amendments to the Spokane Municipal Code affect development within the South Logan Project Area only, while the citywide text amendments affect development citywide, including properties with Center and Corridor zoning, properties with RMF/RHD zoning, and multifamily developments. The amendments were approved by City Council on Aug. 12, 2024.
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The Final South Logan TOD Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement were approved by City Council on January 29, 2023. These documents were the result of working with community members to create a coordinated framework and development approach for the future of the South Logan area. The Plan presents goals and policies, based on community input, to encourage mixed-use and walkable places close to transit in South Logan. The FEIS examines the preferred alternative, based on public comments and feedback from the DEIS, and identifies impacts and mitigation strategies for planned development over the next 20 years.